Self Portrait in front of stil life light painting composition

Bobby Izquierdo

Fine Art Photography

Welcome To My Website

This site contains my body of work in still-life light painting. You will see fruits, vegetables, flowers, vintage cameras, and electronics.  You can visit my gallery and purchase fine art prints of any of my photographs. If you have comments, please send them using my Contact Form. Select the link to view my Collection!

Still Life Light Painting

A single print consists of a composite of many photographs. Each photograph is taken in the dark, applying diffused light to each object. Each object’s highlights are blended to rebuild the composition. This process creates a rich color and texture that is difficult to reproduce using a studio flash lighting setup.  A comment I often get is that my images have a “painterly look,” which pleases me. 


I create day-to-night images by post-processing a photograph taken during the day in Lightroom and Photoshop to convert it to a nighttime image. This process is similar to my still-life light painting work, where I darken a fill-light capture and then add highlighting to enhance the image. These images are fine art photography, not architectural, documentary, or street photography. I’ll change the photograph to produce an image that pleases me and, hopefully, others. 

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